The prominent ears are called prominent ears. Normally, the ears make an angle of 20-30 degrees with the skull. Only the outer edges are visible when viewed from the front. A prominent ear or prominent ear means that the ear main cartilage is prominent, the ear canal and all ear cartilages are visible from the anterior profile.

The phrase prominent ear does not mean that the size of the ear is large. Ears reach adult size at an early age. For this reason, surgeries performed at a young age do not affect ear development. These surgeries are one of the earliest aesthetic applications. Prominent ears can disrupt self-perception and self-confidence at a young age. School-age children can be very cruel to each other. For this reason, it is recommended to perform surgery before school age. As the ear cartilages are softer at an early age, the results of the surgery are more successful, and it is prevented from affecting the psychology of the child visually before he/she takes place in the society.

There is no rule that this surgery must be done at a child age, it can be applied at any age. While local anesthesia is sufficient in adults, general anesthesia is more appropriate in pediatric patients. The surgery takes about 45 minutes. In prominent ear surgery, the scar is hidden behind the ear. The cartilages are reshaped with the help of permanent sutures. The patient can return to his normal life after two days. But he has to wear a tennis band for 15 days.